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Tag: credit fraud

credit card fraud scam

LPM Insider’s Top 5 Retail Fraud Articles of 2018

Popular retail fraud topics in 2018 included the latest update for credit card fraud news, the side effects of chip technology, and fraudulent returns during the holiday season.
e-commerce credit card fraud protection

How Much Do You Know about Credit Card Fraud Protection?

According to online statistics database Statista, the value of payment fraud losses in the United States rose from $5.6 billion in 2012 to an estimated $9.1 billion in 2018.

What Do the Dark Web and Bitcoins Have to Do with Card Fraud and...

In case you aren’t familiar with the terms, let’s start with three definitions: Dark web – a collection of websites that exist on an encrypted...

A Practical Guide to Online Fraud Investigations

Criminals use many online venues to sell stolen merchandise. eBay strives to be the Internet industry leader in online fraud investigations in the effort...
History of Loss Prevention

A Brief History of Loss Prevention

The history of loss prevention reflects the dynamic nature of the industry and shows how it has risen in importance in the retail world...
Fraud Statistics, stores with no loss prevention

Credit Card Fraud: Some Bad Guys DO Get Caught

Kamali Rives of Lilburn, Georgia, and his partners ran multiple credit card fraud and identity theft schemes and ultimately stole over $2 million dollars....

Partnering with Law Enforcement to Combat Organized Retail Crime

While some of the tools of organized retail crime and methods of operation continue to evolve with the changes in technology and dynamics of...

Civil Recovery in the Sunshine State

Many people are familiar with civil recovery demands in Florida for $200 and use that amount as requested statutory damages for any civil shoplift...
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