Tag: asset protection and loss prevention
RFID Technology and Its Use in Asset Protection
RFID technology allows companies to know where in their process any particular asset is, so they can monitor the speed of production, the time of delivery, or any other factor that will help them to see how long their processes actually take—and control assets by knowing where they are at any point in time.
Counterintuitive Strategies for the Successful Loss Prevention Director
There is no universal secret to professional development success. Still, there tend to be commonalities among LP leaders who gain recognition within their organizations. And they’re not always what you’d expect.
LPM Insider’s Top 5 Professional Development Articles of 2018
LPM Insider readers wanted to know more about keeping talented associates, the RILA AP conference, and the collaboration between LP and IT in 2018.
Hello Ladies… and Gentlemen
We read with interest the Women of Loss Prevention survey in the May-June and July-August 2018 editions of LP Magazine. From our own experience...
Outsmarting Cyber Criminals
Rhett Asher is the executive vice president and director of retail solutions for Fortalice Solutions. He has over 25 years of leadership experience in...
How to Define Loss Prevention
“So, what do you do?” This is common question that for some loss prevention professionals presents a perplexing set of thoughts. “How do I adequately satisfy the inquirer’s request, without overcomplicating the dialogue?”
How Can We Keep Good People in Loss Prevention Positions?
In a 2016 survey of retail loss prevention executives, staff turnover and retention of staff was identified as a cause of concern. "Attracting and...
Where Do We Go from Here? In the Wake of a Legal Setback, One...
What should the retail industry and loss prevention pros make of a San Francisco court finding that Corrective Education Company’s (“CEC”) pre-charge “restorative justice” program is improperly coercive and amounts to blackmail?