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Tag: Appriss Retail

speaking out in a pandemic

Solutions Providers Pivot Their Businesses to Meet Customer and Community Needs

As the world effectively shut down in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, retailers were not the only businesses impacted. Solutions providers who partner...

Identifying In-Store Inventory Issues Automatically

Inventory management underpins nearly every goal a retailer has, so executing effective management within the store is critically important.

The Influence of Social Media on Sales of Essential Retail Items During the Current...

Retail supply chain analysts may want to consider Twitter traffic by geography to be one more signal to improve their demand-based decisions when distributing goods from distribution centers to stores.

The Future Is Now: Retail’s Revolution and Ramifications for LP

When getting the future right is a matter of real consequence, when it has the power to steer loss prevention down the right or wrong path, clickbait forecasting feels insufficient. A deeper perspective on the dynamics that are driving retail change, and on the foundation upon which changes will emerge, seems a better guide.
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