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Swing for Certification 2020 Has Gone Virtual!

Apply Now for Bob MacLea LPQ & LPC Scholarship Opportunities

Although 2020 has been a challenging year and many of our industry’s conferences have been cancelled, the Loss Prevention Foundation and our valued solution provider partners feel like there has never been a more important time when we needed to offer educational scholarships.

As such, and in the spirit of supporting our industry and its professionals, the Loss Prevention Foundation is proud to announce we will still be giving away Bob MacLea LPQ and LPC Course Scholarships in 2020. Thanks to the Swing for Certification sponsors, we will be accepting Bob MacLea Scholarship Applications now through the end of October. We will make the announcement for the winners the first week of November.

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Please take a moment to check out each of our valued sponsors to show your support as they continue to give back to the industry through scholarships and support to the Loss Prevention Benevolent Fund.

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