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Retailers with a Crisis Management Plan Can Effectively Manage Disruption

The political candidates currently vying for the US Presidency seem to disagree about the level of crime in the nation. Regardless of the actual statistics, however, the fact remains that crises do exist. Danger is, at times, inevitable. And companies that institute a crisis management plan – instead of just hoping for the best – are the ones that are truly ready for the future.

Contributing Writer Garett Seivold explores the idea of what it takes to be ready in a feature article in the September-October 2016 issue of LP Magazine. Seivold looks closely at crisis-prepared retail organizations, such as Walgreens and 7-Eleven, to see what strategies are working best. Strong leadership and informed employees are must, says Seivold. From the article:

“Crisis response requires solid leadership, but it also requires personnel who are willing to be led. And that depends on whether a company has spent time before a major disaster providing crisis information, training, drilling, and establishing trust. Workers need to sense that the company is ready to handle the event and has their interests at heart, which is not something that a retailer can build once the storm is already on the radar.”

The article goes on to share a comprehensive list of actions that can help a retailer prepare for disaster. Both 7-Eleven and Walgreens point to lessons learned during past events, as well as the ways in which technology can make crisis teams more effective. Check out “Crisis Management: What Walgreens, 7-Eleven, and Other Crisis-Prepared Retailers Have in Common” to read the full article and evaluate how your organization might do in the event of a disaster.

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