Retail Asset Protection Conference 2017 General Sessions Sneak Peek

The Retail Asset Protection Conference 2017, put forth by the Retail Industry Leaders Association (RILA), will again offer a strong roster of featured speakers for this year’s event, which will take place April 9–12 in New Orleans, LA.

General Session – Can You Hear Me Now? The Key to Effective Communication

Session Description: More than ever, success in business depends on your ability to communicate. Understanding your communication partner empowers you to tap into the motivations, experiences, and style of communication that drives them. In this session, you will hear how to identify different learning styles and how principles of accelerated learning can help you adjust your style of information sharing to promote strong and trusting relationships with internal business partners and external stakeholders.

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Speaker: Kimberly Overton, Chief Resource Prosecutor, North Carolina Conference of District Attorneys

General Session: Getting Left of Bang: How Behavioral Analysis Can Change Outcomes

Session Description: The ability to observe, classify, assess and communicate nonverbal behavior empowers protectors to proactively recognize potential threats before a crime occurs. Experience how the observation process involves both intuitive decision-making and the deliberate analysis of situations, persons, and the environment. How behavioral analysis can enhance asset protection your ability to make assessments about individual people and enhance your understanding of the timeline of threatening events that can impact human capital, inventory, and customers.

Speaker: Patrick Van Horne, Co-Author of Left to Bang

General Session – Generational BlindSpots: How to Communicate Across Generations

Session Description: The generations topic isn’t new – many audiences have heard at least one presentation or read multiple articles on the topic. Some may even have Millennial fatigue as they tire of talking about the youngest generation in the workforce. Generational BlindSpots provides a fresh way of looking at the topic by digging into impactful trends that different generations have championed. From Millennials and their disruption of hierarchy that has ushered in the era of the network, to Boomers and the way they continue to rage against aging and redefine what it means to retire, to everything about retaining the forgotten middle child generation of Gen Xers, Generational BlindSpots will shed light on these fascinating trends, provide example through numerous case studies, and provide actionable tips for you to recruit, retain, and engage every generation in the workforce.

Speaker: Hannah Ubl, Gen Junkie, Research Nerd and Communication Wizard, BridgeWorks: The Generations People

Learn more about the Retail Asset Protection Conference 2017 event.

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