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New Survey Shows Majority of Shoppers Use BOPIS Methods

A new survey of more than 1,000 consumers shows that 64 percent of shoppers use Buy Online Pickup in Store (BOPIS) methods, a nearly 23 percent increase in just six months. Twenty percent of respondents report that they use BOPIS frequently. More than one-third of BOPIS shoppers have used an automated lockers to retrieve their orders and half prefer a retailer that offers BOPIS pickup lockers over one without that option.

“Retailers that want to capitalize on BOPIS must deliver an end-to-end experience that provides shoppers with the ease-of-use, security, and speed that they have come to expect,” said Donna Logback, head of marketing at Package Concierge, which commissioned the survey. “Our study shows that when shoppers are choosing between two equal retailers for similar items, 60 percent would choose the store offering BOPIS — and with the forecasted delays in the supply chain this holiday season, BOPIS is poised to be an even more dominant shopping method this season. Lockers are a critical part of the strategy for BOPIS order fulfillment, so retailers must embrace it as a necessary part of doing business.”

Package Concierge’s self-serve automated locker system provides a streamlined fulfillment process for BOPIS and will-call orders. When deploying a retail locker system, Package Concierge suggests:

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  • Make it visible. Install the locker system in an easily accessible, highly visible location. Lockers can be installed inside or outside of the store, and a customized wrap can enhance brand awareness.
  • Make it known. Promote you BOPIS fulfillment options with messaging on your website homepage and at various points throughout the purchase process, including at checkout.
  • Make it versatile. Leverage smart retail locker systems to do more than just BOPIS fulfillment — including returns, pickup of ship-to-store orders, and product repair drop-off and pickup.

The survey also found that four in 10 consumers plan to split a majority of their holiday shopping between online and in-person, with an additional 28 percent doing most of their shopping online. With the ongoing supply chain issues, two-thirds of shoppers plan on starting their holiday shopping earlier.

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