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New Forensic Reporting Platform for Retail Now Available Through CONTROLTEK-VuTeur Partnership

CONTROLTEK has recently partnered with VuTeur, reportedly the most effective forensic reporting platform on the market, to provide retailers with advanced threat detection and emergency management protection using real-time location technology. VuTeur’s incident management software delivers access control authentication using secure credentialing methods without the need for bulky or expensive equipment.

“Retailers can establish zones and watch lists, as well as leverage real-time location system (RTLS) monitoring to create a custom layer of security for their stores and facilities,” said Jana Rankin, co-founder of VuTeur. “We are excited to partner with CONTROLTEK and take a large step forward in helping retailers get better insight into what is happening in their environment in real time.”

“This is truly a game-changing technology that does not require a large amount of hardware,” said Tom Meehan, CONTROLTEK’s chief information security officer. “The simplicity of VuTeur’s incident management software is real, and the value it brings to retailers is significant.”

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Rankin added that VuTeur and CONTROLTEK will also offer incident management tracking and automation to help organizations respond to incidents rapidly and appropriately, no matter how large or small. According to Rankin, this gives retailers the ability to use analytics to capture, analyze, and maintain robust data sets to deliver new insights to customer behavior never before available.

“The partnership with VuTeur is a major part of CONTROLTEK’s strategic vision for the future,” added Meehan. “It aligns with two of our key goals—to lead in protection and to lead in information delivery in order to help retailers take their performance to a higher level.”

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