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LPM Editorial Board Member Carmen DuBose Receives CFI of the Year Award

Each year, a Certified Forensic Interviewer is recognized for their contributions to the designation at the International Association of Interviewers (IAI) Elite Training Day event. At this year’s meeting in San Antonio, Texas, LP Magazine Editorial Board Member Carmen DuBose, LPC, CFI, was recognized as the CFI of the Year. Carmen is an avid supporter of CFI and IAI. She has supported the designation by fostering an environment where her team is encouraged to obtain their CFI training and exam.

Seeing an opportunity in early 2023, she took the bull by the horns when she approached IAI with an idea to start a new chapter in the Southeast. Carmen recruited and organized the fledgling chapter and has gathered a group of passionate members interested in spreading the message of ongoing education and skill improvement for professional interviewers. The Southeast chapter has held two meetings and will have another one on Nov. 7 in Bradenton, Florida. Topics ranged from changes in the interviewing landscape to the top ten things interviewers should stop doing.

Carmen is the senior director of asset protection at Hibbett Sporting Goods and has worked in the industry for over 23 years.

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If you are interested in participating in the southeast IAI chapter or another regional chapter (Northeast, South, or Midwest) go to to learn more.

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