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LPF Announces Bob MacLea Scholarship Recipients

On June 10 in Dallas, TX, the Loss Prevention Foundation hosted the first annual Swing for Certification golf tournament preceding the NRF PROTECT conference. The event was held to raise money to fund scholarships for LP professionals who want to advance their careers by obtaining their LPQ or LPC certifications and to benefit the Loss Prevention Benevolent Fund.

The Loss Prevention Foundation’s goal was to raise enough money to be able to award fifty scholarships in the name of Board Member Emeritus Bob MacLea, who was a founding member of the LPF. MacLea spent his 41-year career in the loss prevention/asset protection profession and served on the LPF board of directors until his retirement in 2016. Sadly, MacLea passed away this past March.

It was with great excitement that the LPF was able to announce that, thanks to all of the sponsors and attendees of the golf tournament, the money was raised, and 50 scholarships would be awarded. The response to the scholarship announcement was overwhelming! The applications, which required a one- to two-paragraph essay on how the recipient planned to use the knowledge they obtain from the course to further their career and personal development, came pouring in. After reviewing each application and reading every essay, fifty scholarship recipients were chosen.

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But then….! The LPF’s partner companies decided that they wanted in on the excitement. The LPF partners all came together to match what had been raised for scholarships at the golf tournament and donated fifty more scholarships.

But wait‚ there’s even more. Due to the fantastic response and quality of the applications and essays received, the LPF chose to fund 28 additional scholarships.

It is with extreme pleasure that The Loss Prevention Foundation announces that 128 Bob MacLea LPQ and LPC scholarships will be awarded to loss prevention professionals, from 65 different companies and the US Armed Forces, who have the desire to further their education. Congratulations!


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