Celebrating Growth and Achievement: LP On the Move

Is there anyone who doesn’t like to be acknowledged for their accomplishments? Are you a leader on the lookout for ways to recognize your team’s accomplishments?

That’s the primary objective of LPM’s “LP On the Move.” There are no hidden agendas. We want to celebrate the achievements of the hard-working women and men who make our industry what it is.

Research shows that employees consistently choose public recognition or acknowledgment as among the top preferred methods of receiving accolades. Will anyone see it? You bet! Every month, “LP On the Move” is the most-read article in the newsletter.

Who Is Eligible?

Digital Partners

If you are a loss prevention professional at a multi-store/district level and above or in a corporate support environment, your “On the Move” will be recognized if submitted.

If you are a solution provider serving the loss prevention community, we welcome and encourage you to submit your “On the Move” leaders.

Who Can Make the Submission?

Anyone can submit an individual for recognition in “LP On the Move.” If you are a company leader who wants to recognize your team or welcome a new team member, we encourage you to share the news.

All it takes to make it happen is a moment of your time. We will need the individual’s name, new title, whether or not it is a promotion or new position, and the company. We strongly encourage the submission of a photo as well, but it’s not required. The best way to make sure we hear about the move is to reach out to us at peopleonthemove@losspreventionmedia.com. That’s all there is to it. You can also contact us directly if you have any questions.

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