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Caught on Video: Woman Barrels Car Though Store to Shoplift

A female thief drove to a Home Depot in Alabama — and then barreled her car straight through its doors and down the aisles to swipe goods before zooming off again, shocking video shows.

The shoplifter-on-wheels used her black 2000 Pontiac Sunfire to commit her crime around 9 AM at the store in Trussville, northeast of Birmingham, on Friday, cops told the Trussville Tribune.

She first backed up the vehicle, which had a disabled-veteran license plate, right through the store’s security detectors, according to the Tribune and video.

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She then tried to turn left and hit over a display. The driver quickly recuperated, backed up and finally cleared the turn and drove down an aisle. “Move out of the way! Everybody move out of the way!” a voice can be heard screaming over the surveillance footage.

The thief, apparently in slippers, hopped out of her car, scurried over to collect items, got back behind the wheel and drove out of the store again, police said…  New York Post

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