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Supply Chain


The Influence of Social Media on Sales of Essential Retail Items During the Current Pandemic

Retail supply chain analysts may want to consider Twitter traffic by geography to be one more signal to improve their demand-based decisions when distributing goods from distribution centers to stores.

Retailers’ Distribution Centers Remain Essential to Serving Communities

In addition to directing goods to store shelves, distribution centers are vital to those now relying on e-commerce or contact-less forms of shopping to receive the items they need.

Loss Prevention Russian Style

In supply chain terms, Russia is considered an emerging market, which has grown very quickly in a short period of time. Because of this, little if any well-known retailers from the US or Europe have logistic operations in country. This forces most retailers to use a transportation broker that specializes in shipping throughout parts of the country.
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A Long and Winding Road: LP Looks to Help Better Control the Supply Chain

A well-managed supply chain—one that mitigates security risks—is essential to a successful retail operation. But control is put to the test as the supply chain expands, morphs, and becomes increasingly intricate. LP executives are getting involved.

Securing the Supply Chain Against Cyber Disruption

We extract major economic benefits from modern supply chains, because each organization can focus on its core mission or specialty. This narrowing of focus is very effective, allowing each organization to be the best at whatever it does, but this same narrowing of focus means the system as a whole becomes fragile.

Maximizing the Use of Demand Signal Management in Supply Chain Asset Protection

A well-managed supply chain—one that mitigates threats—is fundamental to a productive business. In the present worldwide assembling conditions, where stock moves abroad or through different cities and countries before appearing at a store, the risks of incident or damage from cargo theft, atmosphere, work stoppage, and even work-area blunders requires innovative and intensive supply chain risk management solutions for supervising successfully.

The Fallout of Holiday Peak on Supply Chain

As e-commerce continues to evolve, so will loss prevention. We have literally entered a new era in how the consumer shops, and retailers must continue to figure out ways to ship these orders. This is true year-round but even more critical during peak season.

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