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The Intersection of Interviewing and Innovation

Technology has impacted investigative interviewing. In this article, learn more about its current limitations while also embracing the opportunities it can create.

ORCA Data-Sharing: Technology in Action Can Lead to Powerful Results

Knowledge is power. We must sort through information, determine how it can be useful, and apply what we’ve learned to achieve our objectives.
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Invasion of the Retail Robots

With AI and machine learning finally living up to the potential promised for decades, there is a new kind of LP technology growing in popularity that can help with everything from guarding to inventory control and curbside delivery: robots.

Employee Cybercrime and Deviance: A Loss Prevention Psychology Perspective

An increasingly digital workplace provides opportunities for innovation and growth, but it also creates significant threats to businesses, including devastating types of employee‑driven cybercrime and deviance.

Innovation and Cliff Diving

In this editor's letter by Stefanie Hoover, she discusses the theme of this issue: new technologies and innovations that are changing our industry.

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Violence in the Workplace

Download this 34-page special report from Loss Prevention Magazine about types and frequency of violent incidents, impacts on employees and customers, effectiveness of tools and training, and much more.


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