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Its Good to Be an Observer

Thanks go to the RILA staff and the asset protection leadership committee for staging a superb conference in Dallas. Those of us with the...

Watch and Learn

The dictionary definition of a fossil is “the remains or impression of a prehistoric plant or animal embedded in rock and preserved in petrified...

Forty Years of Researching Retail Loss Prevention

Dick Hollinger is a professor at the University of Florida who studies employee dishonesty and has overseen the National Retail Security Survey for the past 25 years.

Readying Retail for Terrorism’s New Battleground

“Everything changed after 9/11” was a frequently heard refrain—from the president and other politicians and in law enforcement and private security circles. The same...

RFID in Retail

Radio frequency identification, or RFID, has been touted as a magic elixir for retail for more than twenty years. Sometimes referred to as an...
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Like most start-ups, when we launched the magazine fifteen years ago, we operated on a shoestring. With just two or three on the payroll,...

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