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Tony D'Onofrio

Tony D'Onofrio is the CEO of the advisory group TD Insights. Globally he is recognized as a social media influencer in retail, security, and emerging technologies. He is listed as a top 100 Global Retail Influencer of 2023, publishes regularly on multiple global platforms, has a weekly podcast with the the Loss Prevention Research Council, and presents futurist retail trends regularly through webinars and global presentations. His career has included executive roles in both security and information technology companies including NCR, Sensormatic, and Prosegur Global Retail where he recently was the CEO and Managing Director. He is a graduate of Case Western Reserve University (BA) and Cleveland State University (MBA). His industry thought leadership activities are summarized at


The Perfect 2020 Mobile Vision Future of Retail

Post-World War II, technology has been the primary engine driving the retail industry's transformation through three powerful megatrends. As we approach the perfect vision year 2020, this article summarizes the state of the third and most important megatrend—mobile communications and the smartphone.

The Consumer Digital Transformation Retail Wakeup Call

Tony D'Onofrio recently spoke on the "Disruptive Future of Retail" at the LPM annual editorial board meeting. His presentation explained the key trends driving the digital transformation of the global retail industry. This article summarizes his presentation.

Nike and the Retail Industry Adoption Outlook for RFID

“It’s quickly becoming the most precise tool in our arsenal to meet an individual consumer specific need at the exact right moment...I think this will help us create the capability to grow profitably across the breadth of the portfolio and ultimately, again it’s putting ourselves in position to serve consumers in a way that gets them the product that they need when they want it and where they want it.” - Mark Parker, Nike CEO

What’s in the Mind of a Retail Shoplifter? How Do We Scientifically Change It?

The Loss Prevention Retail Council recently launched it's latest initiate called LPRC Innovate. LPM contributor Tony D'Onofrio was there and provides details on his latest blog post. He also summaries two LPRC research surveys. One on self-checkout theft and a second on theft by opioid-abuse offenders.

Visualizing The Supermarket of the Future

“Norman (Mayne, CEO of Dorothy Lane Market) is a truly unique merchant. He has a special ability to identify concepts and products that will...
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