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David E. Zulawski

David E. Zulawski is a senior partner in Wicklander-Zulawski Associates, a recognized industry leader in interviewing and interrogation training. He has coauthored definitive textbooks and coursework for seminar and interactive training on interviewing and interrogation techniques. Zulawski has personally conducted over 8,000 interviews and polygraph examinations in his career. Brett L. Ward, CFI, is the director of private-sector sales, senior investigator, and instructor with Wicklander-Zulawski & Associates. Since coming to Wicklander-Zulawski in 1998, he has conducted investigations with multiple companies across the country as well as conducted over three hundred seminars on interview and interrogation techniques for both the public and private sectors. Ward began his loss prevention career with Foley’s Department Stores, rising to a regional LP manager before joining Wicklander-Zulawski. He is a member of ASIS International and the National Association of Chiefs of Police.


Monitoring and Measuring Interviewer Performance

Evaluating interviewer performance is one area that can be difficult to measure against the department’s overall expectations, but can be a major return on investment for the interviewer and organization.

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