Understanding New ORC Laws’ Impact on Retail Safety

Retail crime is a significant problem throughout the country. Recent headlines have highlighted a growing crisis with increased shrinkage and violent retail incidents affecting multiple stores every day. To address part of this issue, various states have passed new ORC laws, modifying thresholds, penalties, and more.

Register here to join the LPF next Wednesday, September 27 at 1 p.m. ET, where ALTO lead Attorneys Sal Rozzi and Trei Gilpin will explore recent changes in ORC laws and their impact on retail safety. They will highlight the importance of collaboration between the public and private sectors in tackling this issue. This event will also feature a discussion with Walgreens Major Crimes Managers Jake Crank (New Mexico) and Jose Barreto (Oregon) as we navigate the evolving landscape of retail crime prevention and work towards safer communities.

At the end of the webinar, ALTO will award five course scholarships by random drawing to webinar attendees. Winners will be notified the day following the webinar via email.

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This webinar is presented by The Loss Prevention Foundation (LPF) in partnership with ALTO, and qualifies for one continuing education unit (CEU) towards your LPC recertification.

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