Self-checkout (SCO) presents asset protection leaders with a rare and perhaps unprecedented opportunity to make a difference for their organizations. For here you have a retail trend premised on a problem—it’s a payment system that encourages people not to pay—which is, nonetheless, inevitable.

SCO already had substantial momentum before the pandemic, and the crisis has given it an additional push. It is spreading out from its grocery roots and emerging in stores that sell soft goods. It is baked into every description by retail analysts whenever they paint a picture of the “store of the future.”

But it kind of doesn’t work. In the long-fought effort to reduce store loss, self-checkout is most certainly a step backwards. Some retailers have pulled them out of stores because the headaches and point-of-sale theft have proved too much.

This contradiction suggests that success—or failure—hinges on execution. SCO is the future, but it is the implementation of strategy, design, training, and support that will determine if the future is profitable.

Download this 7-page whitepaper the details recommendations from self-checkout experts and best practices you can implement related to both improving the customer experience and preventing loss.


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