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Tag: security breaches


New Court Cases Show Liability for Security Lapses Can Go Beyond What Retailers Might...

Three recent verdicts exemplify the importance of proactive security, as plaintiff's attorneys often find ways around efforts to limit liability. In one case, after an employee assault on a coworker, a retailer learns it must face a lawsuit without its insurance carrier.

Massive Marriott Data Breach May Affect 500M Guests

Hackers stole information on as many as 500 million guests of the Marriott hotel empire over four years, obtaining credit card and passport numbers...

Data Breach Warning to Dunkin’ Donuts’ Customers

Dunkin' Donuts has issued a warning to its "DD Perks" customers after they say a third party might have gained access to their account...
restaurant security

Franchisees: Building a Restaurant Security Program from Scratch

Consider this: restaurant security programs require monetary output for potential safety measures, such as buying and installing CCTV cameras or implementing access systems. Such...
Cyber Crime Data Security

The Equifax Security Breach Affected 143 Million. Why?

When reading the statements coming from Equifax, there seems to be a lot of information in what they fail to say. It is clear...
Cyber Crime Data Security

Insiders Often Responsible for $388B Annual Cost of Cyber Security Breaches

Nearly one-third (32 percent) of businesses have been victims of a major cyber attack over the past year, according to a current survey jointly...
Employee theft insurance Biometric, help protect against identity theft

Biometrics: One Type of Employee Theft Insurance?

For retailers around the globe, one of the greatest sources of loss comes from the inside. The problems of employee dishonesty and payroll fraud are...
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