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Tag: credit card fraud ring

Exactly What Is a Shoplifter and How Much Do You Know?

The crime of shoplifting is as old as shopping itself. The first documented cases of shoplifting took place in 16th-century London and involved groups of men called “lifters” (early organized retail crime?).
Credit Card fraud scam

You WILL Become a Victim of a Credit Card Fraud Scam

Experian has noted that credit card fraud is the most common form of personal financial fraud. Statistics say that 47 percent of adults in the United States have reported being victimized by a fraudulent purchase on their credit or debit card, and that percentage is predicted to rise.
credit card fraud statistics

The Latest Credit Card Fraud Statistics and Insights

The latest data reveal that criminals aren’t giving up on card theft; they are just changing their tactics. This post provides a snapshot of recent credit card fraud statistics so that you can stay informed.
shoplifting ring

Could a Shoplifting Ring Be Tied to Human Trafficking?

What happens when the criminal behavior of a shoplifting ring is actually connected to something even more ominous than a high shrink rate? What about when it's tied to modern slavery?
human trafficking

How ORC Fuels Human Trafficking

What comes to mind when you think of organized retail crime? High-shrink items with high-resell values, such as razors and baby formula - not human trafficking.
Gift Card Cloning

Gift Card Cloning

Twenty hours of Internet searching sparked an idea that led to one fraudster stealing $6,000 from local stores and causing numerous customers to be stuck with useless gift cards they had legitimately purchased or received as gifts.
Credit Card chip technology

Credit Card Chip Technology Has Been Effective at Reducing Fraud. But…

So EMV cards have had a dramatic effect on reducing credit card fraud in the United States. But are there any downsides to the adoption of credit card chip technology?
detecting counterfeit currency

Low Tech Still Works for Detecting Counterfeit Currency

In 2015, $78 million in counterfeit currency was passed in the United States, according to a report by the US Secret Service. Nearly 7o percent of that $78 million was created with the use of digital printing technologies.
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